Saturday, June 6, 2015

Dragonfly Class

Dragonfly News
June 8th, 2015

Dragonfly Celebration
We are having an End of the Year Celebration on June 8th (this Monday), we aren’t technical calling it a graduation since many of our children will be returning to an older preschool class but some of our Dragonflies are moving on to Kindergarten! All students are invited to attend, if your child doesn’t normally attend on Monday please plan on joining us at 10:00.  You can drop your child off in our class and find a seat upstairs and wait to be thoroughly entertained! We hope to have all 22 children there, please let me know if your child won’t be able to attend that day. We will sing songs and hand out You Are Awesome Awards, then the children will be dismissed and can have a seat with you for cake & punch and (hopefully a slideshow) then are welcome to be dismissed with you.
 I would appreciate some help decorating Monday morning before the celebration.  The church has a big funeral this weekend and we are unable to do anything until Monday morning.  I was also thinking that it might be a good idea to have some fruit with our sugar (oh I mean cake and punch).  So if you are able to we would love some fruit or other easy snack type food to serve as well.  :)

Shumway Park
Tuesday is a normal school day from 9-12 and we will be going to Shumway Park. If your child comes on Tuesday you are more than welcome to join or its completely fine if you can't.  If your child doesn't attend on Tuesday we invite you (you & your child) to join us for one last trip to Shumway Park (where several children have told me they won't be swinging on the tire swing!)  We will be heading over at 10:00.  We will have snack there and play until 11:30 ish.  We have someone bringing juices boxes for everyone and we would welcome a snack to share. 

All School Picnic
On Wednesday June 10th we will meet at Felida Park for our All School Picnic. This is a pot luck style picnic; we will have signup sheets out. We will be cooking hot dogs and serving up smiles. J We will meet at the park between 9:30 and 10:00, we look forward to visiting with you all.

Summer Camp
July 13-17    Knights and Princesses
Welcome to the Kingdom of Little Acorn!  Your knight or princess will spend a fun week of make believe filled with dragons and castles. 

July 20-24   Superhero Week
"Super Hero in Training" will be our theme of the week as we have fun with all of our favorite super hero's! 

Important Dates
June 8th                              End of the Year Celebration 10:30
June 9th                              Visit to Shumway Park - Last Day in Class
June 10th                             All school picnic 10:00 – 12:00ish

Thank you for sharing your lives with us! It is an honor to be a part of your child’s life!  Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns at (360) 910-0982 or
