Monday, May 25, 2015

Dragonfly Class

Dragonfly News
May 26th, 2015

I can not believe that this year is days away from being over! I counted and I only have 4 days left with some of our Dragonfly children! This year has flown by and it is bittersweet for the end to come, while I am excited for this next phase for them I am also sad that our time with them is almost over.

Enough of the depressing talk now onto the celebration!

Dragonfly Celebration
We are having an End of the Year Celebration, we aren’t technical calling it a graduation since many of our children will be returning to an older preschool class but some of our Dragonflies are moving on to Kindergarten!  All students are invited to attend, if your child doesn’t normally attend on Monday please plan on joining us at 10:00.  You can drop your child off in our class and find a seat upstairs and wait to be thoroughly entertained! We hope to have all 22 children there, please let me know if your child won’t be able to attend that day. 

Shumway Park
We will be visiting Shumway Park as a class on June 9th and invite all the children that don’t normally attend on Tuesday to join us at the Park at 10:00.  We will play and have snack and then head back over in time for pick up.  We will have side walk chalk & bubbles, and lots of fun!!

Summer Camp
Registration is open this week! Don’t miss the chance for your child to attend these fun camps.

July 13-17    Knights and Princesses
Welcome to the Kingdom of Little Acorn!  Your knight or princess will spend a fun week of make believe filled with dragons and castles. 

July 20-24   Superhero Week
"Super Hero in Training" will be our theme of the week as we have fun with all of our favorite super hero's! 

This week in the Dragonfly Class 
This week in the Dragonfly Class we will be talking about more Ocean creatures.  We will continue to create our Commotion in the Ocean and discuss what we know about the Ocean.  We will also read the book A Home for Hermit Crab and relate it to moving onto to a new class as we get ready for the end of the school year. This book tells the story of a hermit crab as he works to decorate his shell throughout the year and when he gets it all filled he realizes he has out grown it!  As he moves onto a bigger shell he sees all the possibilities of his new shell, just like your children.

Important Dates
May 30th                              Fit and Fun
June 1st                               Tuition due
June 8th                              End of the Year Celebration at 10:30
June 9th                              Visit to Shumway Park
June 10th                             All school picnic 10:30 – 12:30

Upcoming Themes
Summertime Fun!

Thank you for sharing your lives with us! It is an honor to be a part of your child’s life!  Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns at (360) 910-0982 or
